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Patients & Visitors

Welcome to Starr County Memorial Hospital. This general acute care hospital has grown rapidly since first opening our doors in 1975 and continual growth and expansions for the community are already underway. Our patients and their visitors can enjoy the benefits of having quality care so close to home.

Quality Care Close to Home

Starr County Memorial Hospital continues to provide excellent service through our Board Members, Medical Staff, and Staff Members. Our successful years of operation are a reflection of our dedication to our community.

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Advance Directives

Advance care planning is an ongoing process that involves you discussing any of your wishes, values, and healthcare preferences. It is important to discuss advance care planning with your family, your caregivers, those who represent you, friends, and with your team of health care professionals. All patients have the right to make their own medical decisions.

Forms and Related Links

Texas Department of State Health Services
Texas Health and Human Services
Texas Health & Safety Code Chapter 166 ("Texas Advance Directives Act")
Texas Medical Association
Medical Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney (Spanish)
Living Will
Living Will (Spanish)